Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Situational Awareness

The more you know, the safer you and your family will be.

This does not just apply to whether or not you carry a firearm (or six.)

We are talking about your personal safety. The awareness that KEEPS you and your loved ones out of harms way. I don't know about you, but hearing reports like the rampaging mobs in London, the flash mobs in Philly, Wisconsin and other places, well- it raises a level of concern.

It isn't just flash mob situations that are a concern.

Two months back my sons and I had an encounter in our local mega-mart that had all the potential to be a disaster. Fortunately, we were safe, but I lay that all to honing my situational awareness skills and USING the information that is gathered.

We've all heard about "gut instinct". I'm sure we've all got stories about how your gut saved your hide. That highly tuned sense of SA is a valuable tool when it comes to keeping yourself, your family and home safe.

But how many of us are putting ourselves in needless jeopardy by NOT paying attention? By being distracted at very bad times?

Too many.

Too many people are wrapped up in texting, cell phone conversations, ipods and other electronic brain drains. People, please- as you wander about in the store or on the street, put those things down for a moment. You are distracted while using them, and an easy target.

Criminals look for what?


Don't be easy. If a Bad Guy wants to confront you, make his job really suck. Be alert- aware. Listen to your gut- if your gut tells you something is not safe or right in a given situation, then get out!

Roughly a week ago in Savannah GA, a 15 year old girl was walking on the sidewalk. Men approached her, driving a van next to her, trying to get her into the van. She used smarts- and she turned into a nearby store and took shelter for a time.


This story does not have the happy ending it could, because the scum bags waited for this child to leave the store, snuck up behind her and grabbed her. They forced her into their van and raped her.

There has been a lot of that type of action going on in and around Savannah lately.

If YOU find yourself in a similar situation, please- take it one step farther. Call 911. Call family members. Call SOMEONE to meet you and escort you where you need to be. Know if there is a back door, and use it. Know alternative exits and routes. Above all else though--


Utilize your Situational Awareness.

Stay safe out there.

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